The end of a dream

Beginning the journey to success!

We are proud to offer, for the first time in Iran, an international academy in the field of football talent identification and identification process using the most up-to-date software and specialized hardware. Using advanced technologies, such as biometric data analysis, artificial intelligence, and sports performance analysis tools, this innovative system improves the accuracy and speed of talent search to an unprecedented level.

This modern approach allows athletes to discover their true potential and get on the path to professional development. With this development, the future of sports talent in Iran has entered a new era!


Holding a boot camp


Talent search with software


Identification of specialized post


Cultivating players in specialized positions


Identifying top talent


Domestic scholarship


Scholarship abroad

The process of this plan after registration

Holding a soccer bootcamp includes several main stages that are implemented with precise and targeted planning. First, the goals of the boot camp are determined; These goals can include developing technical skills, identifying top talent, or improving players’ physical fitness. Then, a suitable place to hold the bootcamp is chosen, which includes a standard football field and the necessary facilities.

In the next step, players are registered. Players are divided into appropriate groups based on age group or skill level so that training can be done in an orderly and effective manner. Designed exercises include football techniques, team tactics, physical fitness exercises, water sports and even sports psychology training. These exercises are performed and supervised by professional and experienced trainers.

During the bootcamp, players participate in mini-competitions and group activities to evaluate their performance. At the end of each session, the coaches provide the necessary feedback to the players to identify and strengthen their strengths and weaknesses.

At the end, the closing meeting is held, which includes summarizing the activities, presenting the company certificate and identifying the best talents. These talents can be introduced to professional teams or clubs. The ultimate goal of the bootcamp is to create a professional experience and provide an opportunity for players to grow and improve in the short term.

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Ongoing boot camps

Spark International Academy

The process of bootcamps

Your launch pad to the top of international football!

Register at the academy

Analysis with the program

Filing a sports file

Starting the camp with the coach

Certificate issuance


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Spark International Academy

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